Convert PPT to PDF

1 minute read

Recently, I meet two projects requiring generating or converting documents to PDF. It has been a long time since I did this last time. So I decided to do a small reserch on it first.

As a Java developer, the first idea is to find out if there are convenient Java libraries to generate or convert HTML to PDF. I found the (post)[] talking about the same issue. There are several libs listed in the post:

  • iText 5.0+ AGPL license
  • iText 4.2 MPL/LGPL licenses
  • PDF Box Apache License, Version 2.0
  • JPedal JPedal has a LGPL release to provide a full java PDF viewer under a LGPL license
  • FOP Apache License, Version 2.0
  • gnujpdf LGPL License
  • PJX GPLv2 License
  • PDFjet Strange Open Source license model
  • jPod BSD License
  • PDF Renderer Maintaining is not active

The conclusion is that the iText 4.2 is the best choice considering features and the license.

After that, I found another way to convert to PDF by command line, so that I don’t need to write the code to do it. There are two tools I found:

  • (docs to pdf converter)[]
  • (unoconv)[]

I prefer them if no code is required. unoconv seems more powerful, but it depends on OpenOffice. docs-to-pdf-converter is a standalone tool.